From Moss Motoring 1985
Moss’s Rockaway New Jersey facility played host to the first and second Marque Days of 1985. The first, co-hosted on March 23rd by the New Jersey MG T Register attracted approximately three hundred enthusiasts who enjoyed free Moss catalogs, our special free shipping and the ten percent discount at our sales counter as well as the special offers on Moss parts. Rain drove most of the crowd indoors, but the flea marketers and hot dog vendors reported brisk business in spite of the weather. Customers at the parts counter were five deep at times but no-one seemed to mind as good cheer prevailed.
The second ECF MG Marque Day was held on June 1st and was co- sponsored by the New Jersey Centre of the MG Car Club. Another large enthusiastic crowd attended who thoroughly enjoyed the event- this time in the sun! This was our second year for the MG Marque attracting a larger crowd than last year.
We at Moss are very excited and pleased by your participation and are looking forward to next years prospects We would like to thank all who participated and helped Moss Motors make our first 1985 Marque Days some of the best ever!
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