From Moss Motoring 1985
Responses to our customer survey (Moss Motoring VoL 3 #2) are still coming in. Your participation was beyond our wildest dreams- we needed extra help to wade through the mail!
We have reviewed the results and would like to share some of the highlights with you.
The overwhelming majority of your responses were complimentary-some exceedingly so. A very few were not so felicitous, and yet were stated fairly and objectively, expressing concern for specific problems. We do realize that we can’t please everyone all the time, but are making an effort to do so.
Most people look forward to receiving Moss Motoring. The most popular features are the tech tips and the sale items included in each issue
Seventy percent of our respondents have one car, 22% have two and 4% have four or more (We’re acquainted with a few of these folks). A not surprising 60% of these owners carry out all of the work on these cars which are used for pleasure by 51% of the respondents. Twenty-three percent use the car for daily transportation and 25% for therapy, which we hope includes a large amount of time on the road.
According to your responses, Moss catalogs are practical and easy to use and are often viewed as being better than the factory parts lists. Sixty nine percent felt the illustrations were clearly presented with 28% of the users finding them above average. Both the Moss Motors catalogs and the factory service manual are consulted when technical help is needed by a majority of the respondents.
Adjustable steering wheels for the TR2 & 3 and Jaguar Brooklands steering wheels were on the list of parts our customers want to see reproduced (‘My whole car’ headed one list! Although we are currently developing several dozen new parts, whole cars we’re sorry to say are not on the current list). There is a demand for ‘factory’ radios. This is interesting as almost no British sports cars were sent to the U.S. with radios installed. The great majority of cars were fitted with whatever the dealer had on hand, usually something’ universal’ from Motorola. Radios from the ’50s and ’60s are found in quantity at most swap meets NOS units are still available and priced reasonably.
Sprite/Midget and GT6/Spitfire parts were included on many lists reflecting the recent surge of interest in these cars. Both these projects are in the development stages. The Spridget catalog will be out soon, following the comprehensive MGA catalog, edition 11. We greatly appreciated the suggestions from our customers. Your ideas and needs play a big part in determining what is eventually offered.
Moss parts quality is met with approval by the majority of our customers; 98% to be exact. Our pricing was viewed as fair value for the product by over half of the respondents. Twenty two percent found our pricing usually very reasonable.
In comparison with other British specialists only 8% found us ‘average’, the majority perceived us as ‘better than most’ or’ far superior.
There are other suppliers in our market, and some of you order from them when necessary. In a constantly growing and changing market it is difficult to cater to every need, but we find a number of you willing to plan your purchases in view of future needs just as we must if we are to earn your loyalty and stay in first place in the British parts business.
We feel our sales staff are the best in the business and your responses bear this out; 98% of you felt they were knowledgeable and willing to help. High marks were also scored by our warehouse and shipping crew.
We hope that you have enjoyed participating in our survey- we have found it a very worthwhile project and value each of your responses.
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