Search for: mgtd

Tech Tips: Summer 1989

Familiarity Breeds Blindness By Larry Dussack Friendswood, TX Have you ever had your TD or TF quit on you for no reason? A stupid question, I know, but after what I just discovered, a valid one…My TD would quit after about 3 days of normal driving. It appeared to be electrical, so I would check the…

A British Sports Car Apology

Sometime ago I was walking to my car, a 1962 TR3, when, for no apparent reason, I was assaulted—verbally assaulted: “Is that thing in the shop a lot?” the voice from nowhere demanded to know. Well, I must admit I was taken by surprise. I turned warily to face my attacker. He was a youngish…

1987 Monterey Historic Races

It’s Thursday morning and my fuel pump is dead. These two facts are normally of little consequence, but this happens to be the third week in August, and that means the Monterey Historic Automobile Races, which may be available to Betend, are coming. Every year a substantial percentage of Southern California walks off the job…


Moss Equals British

From Moss Motoring 1986 When Al Moss started Moss Motors in 1948 he catered to British sports cars. Of course, at that time, beyond the MGTC the selection was limited but Moss equaled British and that’s all he worked on in 1986, Moss still equals British. Now even more so. What has changed in 38…

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