Tagged car tech

Front Suspension

Many years ago, when I was an impoverished college student, I “fixed” a kingpin problem on my MGA by replacing almost all of the front suspension with parts from an MGB. While I generally go to great lengths to try to preserve the originality of my cars (the local battery shop thinks I’m nuts for…


Might As Well

“How could a car this small hold so much dirt, grease and oil,” I thought as I alternated between applications of degreaser and a paint scraper to the firewall of the little car. It was obvious after pulling the head off of the 998cc A-Series engine that the tappet chest cover gaskets were leaking and…


Next Round’s On Me

After many, many years of pining for a TR6, I was finally able to acquire a 1973 in remarkably good condition, which I drove to and fro along back roads and byways at breathtaking speeds. For four years, my manly mallard-hued motor was a ready companion, never failing to start, never failing to run, never…

Under the Bonnet – Summer 1993

Back to the Basics – Changing Your Oil! Changing oil is probably our least favorite maintenance activity, but is the most important of all for ensuring long engine life. Engine oil serves two major functions: lubrication and cooling. Moving parts rely on a very thin film of oil to prevent frictional wear, and the circulating…

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