Tagged mechanic


Safety First!

By Pat Garity I wanted to share a few basic safety practices for working on our vintage sports cars. First of all, be kind to your body. Lift with your legs not your back. Gloves will protect your hands. Treat yourself to a good pair of mechanics gloves and a box of rubber gloves. No…


The Art of Troubleshooting

by Nick Haycocks My experience with this goes back more years ago than I care to calculate. I was training maintenance staff in a UK snack manufacturing company on the first industrial bagmakers that were Programmable Logic Controlled (PLC). My role was to provide general instruction to staff with different engineering backgrounds to help “multiskill”…


Of Sprites and Triumphs – A Life of Cars

By Mike Downs In my early teens I got a job at a foreign car parts store in Falls Church, Virginia. A couple years later I became a mechanic in a foreign car garage that was once a horse stable and still had a dirt floor. The attic above the tin plate ceiling was a…


Might As Well

“How could a car this small hold so much dirt, grease and oil,” I thought as I alternated between applications of degreaser and a paint scraper to the firewall of the little car. It was obvious after pulling the head off of the 998cc A-Series engine that the tappet chest cover gaskets were leaking and…


It Is Well With My Soul

“Service Manager” …The sign on the door looked official enough. Silver metal letters and a silver border raised above a rough textured black background. It just wasn’t what I expected to see. Then again, nothing about this place was anything like what I expected. Below the sign was a thin brass card holder with a…

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