Tagged XK


The XK Engine

by Norman Garrett I had the good fortune to own a Jaguar XK-E back in the ’70s, when you could find them for hundreds of dollars, not tens of thousands. Mine was a ’66 coupe, British Racing Green over green leather. It was languishing outside of an import car repair shop, like so many imports…


Growing up at Jaguar

Growing up at Jaguar By Graham Robson It was a coincidence, really. I was enormously lucky, fell on my feet in one of the most famous companies in the world, and have never forgotten the great times I had while I was there. It all started at Oxford, where I was reading Engineering, and was…


The Big Engine that Could

Jaguar’s XK series wakes the post-war world America’s love affair with the automobile is so well documented, it has become more than just a cliché—it has moved comfortably into the banal land of things that are taken for granted. Consumers are spoiled brats of industry to an extent, wanting to see a new car model…

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