
Video: Generator to Alternator Conversion

Video: Generator to Alternator Conversion

Alternator conversion and alternator change Some of us have given up our old generator and moved ahead to an alternator. Some of us have moved from an old style alternator to a more modern and more efficient alternator. If you are the kind of classic car owner that likes to blend the classic with the…


Top 10 Tech Tips

Classic British cars have survivied—and thrive still today—only by the generosity of individuals sharing what they’ve learned. It’s the heart of the hobby. The Sales and Tech Support teams at Moss do our best to continue this rich tradition, too. Below the first Top 10 are many more worthwhile honorable-mention tech tips. No doubt there…


Quality Matters

In the 27 years I’ve been at Moss Motors, I have watched as one supplier after another went out of business, merged, restructured itself or dropped entire product lines. Some examples: Lucas is gone; the name and pieces of what used to be Lucas were sold off to various companies around the world. Lockheed is…

Field Notes: Safety

Protect Yourself When Welding, Cutting and Grinding Fact: Humans by nature will sidestep that which is awkward or difficult in favor of the easy way. If you can’t find your gloves or if you can’t pick up a small piece of hot metal with your heavy welding gloves on, you will probably try to do…


The Lucas Uncertainty Principle

One of the basic laws of Physics is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. This states that it is impossible to know both the position and the momentum of a subatomic particle at the same time. Personally, I am astounded that physicists can know either of these two properties. Of course, physicists work in air conditioned laboratories,…

Frozen Brake Caliper

How am I supposed to get THAT out? When that question comes up, an argument takes place in my brain. Half of my brain tells me I can’t do it, the other side is all can-do. The pessimist side telling the optimist side I can’t do something is like telling a dog he can’t sniff…

Crankcase Ventilation

Being a mechanic, not an automotive engineer or lawyer, I suggest you treat the message below as something to think about, not as absolute wisdom or legal advice. Two reasons for crankcase ventilation (a system of positive, purging air flow through the engine): 1) Purging water condensation from the crankcase. We all have seen the…

Window Channel Fuzzy Strip Installation

From Moss Motoring Winter 2000 Window channel strip installation can take hours of frustration or just minutes if you know this trick. First, scrape and clean the old black fuzzy strip using a glue solvent if you have one. Find a piece of wood slightly thinner than the channel slot, masking tape and black or…

Rust Repair – Part 2

Before repairing a rusted area on a car, a “battle plan” must be carefully worked out. If there is any body filler or damage nearby, consider replacing more than just the rusted area. If adjoining panels are also rusted, a logical sequence of operations must be planned. Above all, have your Moss repair panels in…


4 Fun, Fast Projects

Free weekend coming up? Why not spend it with that special someone: your favorite British car. Make a date to fix some niggling problems, perform an upgrade, or make things shine to the max. Wondering where to start? Here are four projects that always seem to be on the to-do list. 1. Give the Paint…

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