Tagged Supercharger


Power Corrupts?

In the right hands a supercharger is a beautiful thing It’s rare in life when one gets the opportunity to build a dream car and get paid to do it. The only paramaters I had to work around were body and interior color. The body, a dark, dark blue-ish purple that is almost black—I would have picked…

Three Thousand Miles in a TD…Pickup?

I was offered a chance to drive the Moss Motors’ TD pickup to GOF this year, and considering the state of my MGA. I accepted. There is nothing like driving a car to find out what they are really like… and after talking to lots of people about their experiences in a T-type, I thought…


MGB Supercharging

Moss Motors’ new MGB force-feeder increases flywheel horsepower by up to 50% By Leonard Emanuelson Resto-mod is a pretty cool concept. It allows you to keep everything you love about your classic British sportscar and change everything you don’t. You may love the way it looks, but hate the lack of power. Love the way…

Tech Q&A: Fall 2003

By Kelvin Dodd Supercharger Stress I have a question about the MGB supercharger kit in the Summer 2003 issue: How does the use of a supercharger affect the stress experienced by the engine, piston connecting rods, etc.? —Tim Harrington The supercharger does a much better job of evenly filling the cylinders, so normal driving stress…


Force-Fed – Bolting on a Moss Supercharger Kit

Supercharging has long been a part of the British car scene. From factory-built Blower Bentleys and supercharged MGs of the 1920s and 1930s to aftermarket offerings from Judson, Marshall, Shorrock, Wade and others in the 1950s and ’60s, many British cars have relied on force-fed power. It only makes sense that Moss Motors is reviving…

Supercharged!: Installing the New Moss Triumph TR6 Supercharger System

Regular British Motoring readers know that over that last few years, Moss Motors has been at the forefront of a new trend: retrofitting British classics with upgraded performance and technology. Modern overdrive transmissions, tubeshock conversions, electronic fuel injection systems, and a variety of supercharger kits have reinvigorated and revolutionized the sports car hobby. Classic car…


Rubber-Bumper MGB: A Sensible Choice

When the rubber-bumper MGB was introduced in September 1974, many considered it to be an unworthy addition to the British sports car stable. The classic chrome accents were gone, the handling was affected by the elevated ride height and the performance was diminished. But take notice: These cars make excellent daily drivers. Plus, they can…


A Proud History of Boost

A couple summers ago I took a drive in my father’s ’48 MG TC. It had been 10-15 years since our last encounter, but the deep exhaust tone and supercharger whine were exactly as I remember. You see, Moss Motors’ founder, Al Moss, started selling aftermarket supercharger kits back in the mid 50s, and my father…

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