Vitamin LBC

Like me, you occasionally may find yourself facing a list of household chores that require attention but don’t necessarily generate much enthusiasm. They are the items that were put off in order to tackle more serious or significant projects. You know, the ones that take more time to prep than to do. I’m talking about things like spraying the foundation so The Boss doesn’t find a spider lurking in a corner of the dining room ceiling. Or touching up that spot on the wall where something you were carrying made contact. A few minutes and they are done. If you can summon the needed motivation.

I find a shot of vitamin LBC to be just the thing to get me moving.  Jump behind the wheel and head out for a short jaunt and those jobs suddenly seem less tedious.  Not a road trip, just a quick spin on a favorite local artery. We all have one.

Mine is a 20 minute run through the Palisades Interstate Park from Fort Lee to Alpine in northern New Jersey. A winding two lane ribbon hugs the cliff meandering north from below the George Washington bridge to the affluent enclave of Alpine. Elevation changes of several hundred feet carry you from cliff tops with spectacular views of New York City down to the banks of the Hudson River and back again.

The park drive is secluded and quiet. A thick forest surrounds you but provides breaks that afford glimpses of river traffic and waterfalls while sunlight beams through the trees. Only minutes from Times Square, it is a different world. Deer, foxes, and raccoons call the place home. Peregrine falcons nest on the cliffs. Once I was joined on my drive by a Bald eagle soaring above the river parallel to the palisades. The area holds historical significance as well. The Continental army led by George Washington climbed the cliffs to escape the British army. In the 1920’s Fort Lee was the America’s film capital and silent movies such as the Perils of Pauline contain scenes which were shot on the precipices above as you negotiate the winding road. More recently a section of the park known as Ross Dock which lies at the foot of the western support of the GW Bridge was used to stage the carnival featured in the Tom Hanks movie “Big”.

A short drive in your LBC can be just what the Doctor ordered. A quick jaunt will invigorate you. Get out and drive your car. It will hold you over until you get through the drudgery and find yourself with the free time to take a real ride.

By Jim Hargrave


'Vitamin LBC' have 4 comments

  1. December 11, 2012 @ 7:08 am Robert

    Good story Jim. I do the same thing with my MGB here on Long Island. That little ride is like a therapy session that leaves you feeling nice all over. This may sound a little crazy but I talk to my car too as we drive!


  2. December 12, 2012 @ 1:44 pm Mack

    I too take a little trips through the wine country vinyards of Temecula in the late afternoons. However I listen to my MGB, she just likes to purr.


  3. December 13, 2012 @ 9:32 am Jerry

    LBC therapy! I’ve been calling it “getting some exercise” (for the car). You are so right, it clears your head and relaxes you. I live in WA about 30 miles east of Seattle, and have an abundance of two-laners to run around on without ever getting on a freeway. A winding 40-50mph drive is a true blessing, and 20 to 40 miles keeps the car healthy too.


  4. July 7, 2013 @ 7:28 am Mike

    Born and raised in Brooklyn so know your route. Live in the Poconos now and have a few routes myself. It all rings true and know what your felling and talking about. Safety Fast Mike


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