Tagged Moss


SNG | Moss | Rimmer announces the appointment of Paul Morrison as Global Chief Financial Officer

Goleta, CA, Bridgenorth & Lincoln, England, January 6, 2025 – SNG Barratt (“SNG”), Moss Motors (“Moss”) and Rimmer Bros (“Rimmer”), global specialty suppliers of restoration and replacement parts primarily for classic British vehicles, announced the appointment of Paul Morrison as Chief Financial Officer, effective immediately. In his role, Mr. Morrison will oversee the financial operations across the…


Taking the Lead: The Man Behind the Curtain

by Robert Goldman Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Having been recently forced to subject myself to public scrutiny, at least among Moss Motoring readers, I feel it’s my civic duty to tell you all about the real puller of levers. You see, I was just the apparitional talking head, with fire…


Ssh… I’ve Got a Secret

by Robert Goldman Actually, I’ve got two secrets, and they’re busting at the seams to get out. They say, if you tell too many people it won’t be a secret any more, so please don’t share what I am about to tell you, except with folks you trust. Ten plus years ago, we relocated our…


Moss Motorfest—What a Show!

With car shows—as in life and chocolate-filled boxes—you never know what you’re going to get. One of the draws to attending these events is the chance to see the previously unseen or gaze again upon an old favorite from the past. Typically, appreciating truly rare automobiles requires a trip to Pebble Beach or Amelia Island…

Moss Supports Magic Collier Cup

There was thunder in the hills around Watkins Glen. Not the kind with flashing lights and pounding rain, but rather flashing cars and ground-pounding horsepower. The Zippo Vintage Grand Prix of Watkins Glen, representing some 46 years of continuous racing in the area, was held September 9-11, 1994, at Watkins Glen International. A great deal…

Fantastic Moss Festival Fun Again in 1995!

Vox populi—you, the people, have spoken! With nearly half of the participants in the 1994 British Car Festival responding to our event questionnaire, we’re happy to report some of the results. We registered over 200 British cars for the ’94 event, up 20% from ’93. There was also a duke’s mixture of motor homes, rental…


Den of Efficiency

A look inside Moss Motors Imagine having a garage with a parts bin that is computerized, cross-referenced, and equipped with a staff of skilled individuals whose job it is to fetch the particular piece you need. Multiply this image until its scale matches that of a modern supermarket, and you have the Moss Motors warehouse….


Editorial: Inside Moss R&D

Our commitment to manufacturing exciting new products By Robert Goldman You might think we would have run out of new product ideas by now. After all, it’s been 25 years since the last classic British sportscars rolled off the line. The facts are that we’re busier than ever imagining, designing, and fabricating our way through…


2005 British Extravaganza

Moss and VARA celebrate a decade of success By Ken Smith It hardly seems possible that a decade has passed since I took my little sportscar up to what seemed to be the end of the world. In 1996, Dr. Dan Longacre (who raced a 1964 MGB at that time) and The Vintage Auto Racing…


2004 VARA/Moss British Extravaganza

Number 9 was mighty fine By Tom Morr Photos By Tom Morr Few things are as annoying as a song that sticks in the back of your mind. Personally speaking, the underscore for this year’s VARA/Moss British Extravaganza was number nine, number nine from the Beatles White Album. (The fact that this was the ninth…

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