

Fresh Rubber – Getting the right tire for the job

New tires provide better handling and safety, plus vintage looks Old cars are a thrill…old tires are a hazard. While our beloved Austin-Healeys, MGs and Triumphs sit idle in the garage, the tires they stand on are hardening, cracking and crumbling away due to aging and the environment. Many purists want to keep their classic…


A Smart Aleck’s Guide to Buying a Spitfire

By Sid Bridge I recently bought my first British Roadster—a 1980 Triumph Spitfire. I wanted an MG or a Triumph ever since I was 12, but I never had the guts to buy one given all the warnings I would get from responsible adults. I’m an adult now. Responsible? That would depend on your definition….


Pandemic Projects

When the world is topsy turvy, there are some of us who find sanctuary in a garage and peace of mind with the turn of a wrench. Joseph LeamingMy ’79 Spitfire was part of an elderly man’s extensive collection of dilapidated Spitfires that were left abandoned when he passed away, his children uninterested. The gentleman…


Gulp Valve: The Backfire Solution

In the mid 1970s I bought a tired, rusty 1969 MG Midget that probably should have been scrapped. However with effort and many Moss Motors parts, it was made into a passable looking driver that is a lot of fun. However, though the car ran well, it has backfired when decelerating or shifting gears for…


Disassembling and Inspecting a British Engine

There’s an old saying, it’s always easier to take something apart than it is to put it back together. This, for sure, is the case with engines, but there are lots of things an engine can tell you when you conduct engine repairs or disassemble it for rebuild. Your first order of business is to…


Well Dressed: Treat Your Car—and Yourself—to Leather Seats

Many British car owners focus on their cars’ paint and chrome, but what about the seats? Every minute of drive time involves sitting on those seats—shouldn’t they be the best they can be? Moss makes replacement seat covers with exact materials, as well as upgraded leather kits. As part of an overall restoration project, leather…


Gearbox Part 2: Transmission Removal

Click Here for Gearbox Part 1: Teardown Inspection Most British transmissions either come out through the interior of the car (Cars with removable transmission tunnels such as Triumph GT6, Spitfire, Herald, TR2, 3, 3A, 4, 4A, 250 and 6,  Austin Healey 100, 100/6 and 3000) or require the engine to be removed in order to…


Choosing a Welding Machine

Sparking Controversy: Which welding machine is right for you? Sooner or later it’s going to happen and you won’t resist the urge any longer. You’re going to get a welding machine. But what kind? What type of welding you plan to do. What projects may arise in the future that you might need a better…


Tire Rotation

I grew up with a strong and unwavering belief in the commandment: “Thou shalt not cross-rotate radial tires, nor cause reversal of their directional rotation”. A friend of mine even carried two used spare tires (couldn’t afford new ones in those days) in his Fiat – one which had been run on the left side…

Brake Fluid for Classic British Cars

Preface I started this project believing that the collection of information on brake fluid would not take too long. I also thought that once the “facts” had been collected the article would be easy to write, and the conclusions would be clear and obvious. As the project went on, it became clear that there was…

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